Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mattel T7903

Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly Doll

Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly Doll

CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly DollMattelT7903,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly DollMattelT7903,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly DollMattelT7903 Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly DollMattelT7903

Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly Doll Overview

Mattel Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly Doll - Mattel T7903.

Barbie Collector To Catch A Thief Grace Kelly Doll Feature

  • Inspired by Grace Kelly in the 1955 romantic thriller, To Catch a Thief
  • Grace Kelly looks stunning in her blue gown from the opening scene of the film
  • This dress truly captures Grace's elegant style
  • Grace Kelly is a global icon, a famous princess, bride and an Academy Award-winning actress
  • A must have favorite for any Barbie Collector